Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

ResLife Project

I'm working with the Residential Life of Assumption College for their RA recruiting campaign.
The photos represent the "future images" of current RA's.

Professional business

Group counselor

One-on-one counselor

Life of an artist

This is Ted Zito who asked for a quick portrait in his office.
Ladies, he is taken!

Photo Essay: A Day of Hawaiian Adventure

The fun times in Hawaii:

One hot day in Hawaii, we hopped on the back of a truck and went on an adventure.

We saw the volcano...

...drove through the wasteland...

We ventured into the rainforests...

saw the beautifully mystical flowers of Hawaii.

And when we reached the south coast of Hawaii,

we discovered the hidden Green Beach,

and went diving into the ocean off a 20m (= 66 feet) cliff of the South Point.

Alas, the sun set,

and we came home with unforgettable memories.